Maurice Evans is a painter and photographer who marries both skill sets to create some astounding works. Humble 'til the end, he was genuinely surprised when I told him I wanted to feature his works on the blog because I considered him and his works to be influential and inspirational to the vision here. Within a few brief years, Maurice has established himself as one of the best in the field of Black Art and his works has delighted countless collectors of African-American art. No matter the subject or whether the works are executed on paper, wood or canvas - the texture, intense colors, strong emotion and unusual, exaggerated perspectives, are what define a Maurice Evans work.
And Malika
Model. Actress. Dancer.
Malika is the muse.
They have created a LOT of beautiful, provocative and highly imaginative works of art together. Check them out. Malika is a model and you find her here. Check out the works of Maurice here and here.

Beautiful art. Thanks for this post.
Wow! These are beautiful1
Maurice is an amazing artist!! So creatively inspiring! I love his mind!:)
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